ZoomImage pro Extension
Hello all i present you a new update of extension ZoomImage pro 13/12/2018 1: add asynchronous image loading. 2: add new Event and Progress loading event 3: add stop loading….
Hello all i present you a new update of extension ZoomImage pro 13/12/2018 1: add asynchronous image loading. 2: add new Event and Progress loading event 3: add stop loading….
I present for all my new extension, Stripe Payments you can paie online with bank cards. if you do not know Stripe visit the website: https://stripe.com/ 39. Good for personne cherche to make ecommerce App. If…
Hello all i present you a new extension InBackground. This extension can check if your app in background or in Foreground. Bloc:
Hello all i present you a new extension ReadExcelFile. Can read just “XLS” file. – You can get colum – You can get Row – You can get cellul Note:…
New extension NeedPermission for API level >= 23 I hope you like it : Bloc: Video:
Hello everyone I present to you my new extension PDFViewer can open PDF file on android api >=21. 1- Can swipe the PDF file like viewpager. 2- Can go directly to the page you…
Hello everyone I present to you my new extension Paypal_Extension so you can now make payment in your app with Paypal service. Bloc: Video: Result: Note: “contact me…